Registration Centre

Leading Learning in Mathematics and Numeracy Network

  • 23 Feb 2017
  • 01 Nov 2017
  • 5 sessions
  • 23 Feb 2017, 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (ACDT)
  • 15 Mar 2017, 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (ACDT)
  • 15 Jun 2017, 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (ACST)
  • 23 Aug 2017, 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (ACST)
  • 01 Nov 2017, 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (ACDT)
  • Catholic Education Office, Room 6. 116 George Street, Thebarton
  • 18


Registration is closed


By ensuring that all students have access to high quality teaching and learning in mathematics and numeracy enables students to have a greater range of possible pathways in their personal, working and community life.

It is recognised that teachers who are knowledgeable, skilled and confident in teaching mathematics foster a productive learning environment by providing appropriate and engaging activities for the students.

Research (Gaffney et. al. 2014) also indicates that those schools where students have made significant gains in their mathematics learning outcomes have had strong mathematics leadership backed by the principal.

This network will therefore help build capacity in the leadership in mathematics and numeracy by fostering a culture where leaders work collaboratively with each other. The CEO consultants will assist with leading, designing and implementing professional learning in schools in mathematics and numeracy. Over the course of the year, schools will undertake school-based research that is aligned with their school’s strategic directions. Leaders will use evidence to justify the effectiveness of planned strategies or interventions on student learning.


  • build capacity in leading a group of peers in mathematics and/or numeracy
  • develop expertise in areas related to the teaching and learning of mathematics
  • foster collaboration and networking
  • use data for designing learning and evaluating its effectiveness
  • use research to support their school-based inquiry
  • develop reflective practitioners both in terms of their actions and the data they collect


  • further develop effective leadership in mathematics and numeracy
  • increased depth of knowledge in contemporary mathematics, both in terms of content and pedagogical approaches
  • able to identify significant and relevant data to illustrate the impact of an initiative(s) on student learning
  • have a network of other leaders/teachers to draw on as a resource
  • build capacity in undertaking school-based research
  • explore the alignment of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and professional learning
  • possible initiative that could be used for accreditation for Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher certification.

The Principal or nominated representative will be required to attend on Day 1 of the network

Participating leaders/teachers attending will be required to:

  • attend four professional learning days
  • undertake school-based research in leading mathematics and/or numeracy
  • identify peers with whom they will work
  • collect data to continually evaluate the effectiveness of interventions on student learning

Schools will be required to support leader/teachers participating by:

  • providing release time for teachers for planning and reflection
  • supporting and assisting those participating in the network
  • allocating release time to meet with a CESA consultant

Research suggests that creating a collaboration culture within schools is ‘the single most important factor for successful school improvement.’ (Cole, P. 2012) Hence, schools are encouraged to nominate at least two leaders/teachers to be involved in the network as a means of providing collegial support.

Christine Slattery and Christelle Plummer

CEO Contribution
In 2017, teachers who have a teaching load will be reimbursed for the professional learning days they attend.

Both country and metropolitan schools are encouraged to be involved in the network.

Network Dates

Term 1

Week 4

Thurs 23 Feb

*EDC Room 1.1920

Week 7

Wed 15 Mar

CEO Room 7

Term 2

Week 7

Thurs 15 June

CEO Room 7

Term 3

Week 5

Wed 23 Aug

CEO Room 6

Term 4

Week 3

Wed 1 Nov

CEO Room 6

*EDC 4 Milner St Hindmarsh
CEO 116 George St Thebarton

Further information

Christelle Plummer on 8301 6837 or email

Registration enquiries

Phone: 8301 6641

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