Authentic Learning in the Outdoors
Gillian McAuliffe
Monday 21 March 4.30pm-6.30pm
Room 8
Catholic Education Office
116 George Street, Thebarton
There is an increasing understanding and respect for the possibilities for deep and authentic learning in the outdoors. There is also a growing awareness that, as educators, we need to explore this context more to understand our role in this vibrant learning landscape.
Although the ‘forest school’ model is ideal, it is simply not a possibility for many educational and community settings and often not a sustainable option for our fragile environment.
Therefore, we must be intentional in our environments to ensure that there is a diversity and balance in the possibilities offered.
This seminar will challenge educators to consider how their role in an outdoor classroom can enhance possibilities so that children understand and interpret the world they encounter when they venture outside the classroom walls.
‘Children who spend all their time in the open air may still observe nothing of its beauties. The boy sees the significance but if he does not find the same awareness in the adults the seed of knowledge just beginning to germinate is crushed.’ Froebel cited in Lilley 1967
Gillian McAuliffe is the founder of Bold Park Community School in Perth, Western Australia.
She is a passionate advocate for the education of the whole child and has shared her vision through presentations at conferences throughout Australia and the world. Gillian is a leader in the World Forum for Early Childhood Care and Education Nature Action Collaborative, established a Creative Recycle Centre for the Western Australian Community, and provides support for many schools and Early Learning Centres across Australia. Her deepest desire is to ‘keep the light of life and learning alive in the eyes of children everywhere’.
Registration is essential.
Please register by Thursday 17 March.
Light afternoon tea will be provided.
Cost: $35pp invoice to the registrant’s school.
AITSL Professional Standards for teachers include:
Professional knowledge 1.1 1.2 1.5
Professional practice 3.1 3.3 3.4
Professional engagement 6.2 6.3 7.4