Your school has the chance to produce two two-minute video clips to upload to your website or your social media platforms, as a way of complementing your existing enrolment and marketing materials.
Drawing from the success of the website project, you’ll work with David Rawlings from Landmark Media in a supported way to help your school to obtain some high-quality video.
This is how it works:
· Two staff will be involved in a working half-day session to develop all the materials you’ll need for the video clips, including scripts and photography
· You’ll be able to select up to 4 people to feature in your videos – perhaps a principal, school leader, parent or students
· Your participants will attend a 45-minute video shoot session at CESA and, using green screen technology, will record your video in HD format
· The two video clips produced will be forwarded to you for approval and then you’ll be supplied your final videos for distribution.
The videos will be shot by an expert crew and professionally edited. We have managed to secure this service at a highly-competitive, affordable rate.
The cost for the training session (2 people per school), recording session and production of 2 x 2 minute video clips is $1 650 per school.
NB The full amount $1 650 will be billed upfront (non- refundable due to commitment to external consultancy- film crew etc.).
Tuesday 31 May
Training for 2 people per school: 9am-12.30pm,
Tuesday 21 June
Recording: 45 minute timeslot, (specific time slot will be allocated on the training day)
Register by 7 April.
For further information contact: Veronica McCaffrey
8301 6888