Students enter Reflection and Immersion experiences as Spectators. Our hope is that they exit as Owners of their experiences able to interpret them into their personal stories.
How do we APRIMs/teachers as planners and leaders in our schools, Prepare and De-Brief the students attending these experiences? Can we use some insights from psychology to assist us in this work?
Br Damien Price is a Christian Brother who brings his wealth of knowledge and experience. He has worked extensively with schools and youth groups. He also has had wide engagement with many disadvantaged in our society. He also brings fruits of study in the fields of Pastoral Care and Philosophy.
Facilitator: Br Damien Price cfc
Intended for: APRIM/REC/Religious Leaders, Middle and Secondary Teachers and those leading post-school outreach programs
System Accredited Module: Yes
AITSL Australian Professional Standards: 1.1 - Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students 2.2 - Content selection and organisation 4.1 - Support student participation 4.4 - Maintain student safety 7.1 - Meet professional ethics and responsibilities 7.3 - Engage with the parents/caregivers 7.4 - Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities
CIF Domains: Catholic Identity; Strong home, school, community engagement
If you have any registration queries please contact Elaine Mulhall at or phone 8301 6629.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016