Year 10 Tertiary Languages Program (Italian - The University of South Australia - Magill Campus) Last Day to Register - Wednesday 17 June 2015
The CESA Year 10 Tertiary Languages Program is an initiative that offers Year 10 students of languages in SA Catholic schools the opportunity to attend 2 days of intensive and Italian language rich classes with students from other Catholic schools at the University of South Australia - Magill Campus.
The program also offers students the opportunity to learn about pathways related to languages learning at University level and it is hoped that the program encourages students to continue with their languages studies in their senior secondary years.
The outcomes for Year 10 students will be:
Venue:The University of South Australia - Magill Campus
Date/Time:Tuesday 23 June and Wednesday 24 June 2015 9.00am - 3.30pm
Please note: Maximum of 10 students per school
The program will be available shortly
For more information please click flyer
Catering:The University of South Australia has catering facilities and arrangements have been made with the canteen for recess and lunch periods to cater for the number of students participating. Recess and lunch are the responsibility of participating students.
Students are not obliged to wear their school uniform during the first day. They MUST however wear their school uniform on the second day of the program.
TRT Funding: Some TRT is provided depending on the number of schools / teachers involved
For Further Information:Ludgero Rego (Languages Consultant) 8301 6839Chris 6851
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016