Registration Centre

'Children: Close to the Mystery of God' - a consultation conversation

  • 12 Nov 2014
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Room 7 - CEO Conference Centre, 116 George Street, Thebarton


Registration is closed

Consultation conversation on Children: Close to the Mystery of God.

This twilight session invites participants to engage in the Consultation Draft: Children - Close to the Mystery of God.  The conversation will invite reflection on the theological ideas presented in the stimulus paper, with the opportunity to both affirm its positions and to offer suggestions.  The evening will also be a time to share how the stimulus paper might engage school communities in their on-going reflections on the immense value of children, and support ongoing community renewal and transformation.

This session is being hosted by the Theology of the Child Working Party as part of the CESA Re-Imagining Childhood 0-18 initiative.  Fr James McEvoy, one of the authors, will be participating.

Please see the CESA Re-Imagining Childhood website for a copy of the paper and other information:

Registrations close on Monday, 10 November. 


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