Teaching Struggling Readers in the Classroom: Analysing Reading Behaviours via Running Records
Children who experience difficulty with Reading are a diverse group and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach that will meet their needs. Struggling readers require instruction that is tailored to their current understandings about print, therefore ability to observe, analyse and interpret reading behaviour is the foundation to planning effective instruction that begins with the child’s strengths and needs.
This course is suitable for teachers of children in R-7
This 2 day course will:
Course Information:
Day 1: Wednesday,17th September, 9.00am - 3.30pm Room 8 CEO Conference Centre George St Thebarton
Day 2: Monday, 27th October, 9.00am - 3.30pm Room 8 CEO Conference Centre George St Thebarton
AITSL standards:
1. Know students and how they learn 2. Know the content and how to teach it 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
Teachers will be required to bring recent running records of selected children.
Participation in this course will attract points towards the CESA Literacy Certificate.
Fiona Callaghan at fiona.callaghan@cesa.catholic.edu.au Phone: 83016601
For registration enquiries please contact
Teresa Donegan Catholic Education Office Phone: 8301 6694 teresa.donegan@cesa.catholic.edu.au
Morning tea and lunch will be provided.
© Catholic Education South Australia 2016