Registration Centre


  • 18 Sep 2014
  • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • PLS Training Room at 112 Kintore Street, Thebarton
  • 1


Registration is closed

I am writing to advise you of some workshops which have been arranged in both Word and Excel for non-teaching staff in Catholic schools. This will assist non-teaching staff to better fulfil the day to day operations of their role in schools.

Set out below are the scheduled dates available including a brief outline of Course content.  Members of the Human Resources Team are continuing to work with trainers from Academy IT to specialise training to meet needs identified by users and training will focus on formatting, data extraction, mail merging and other key areas such as how to use online help more effectively.

Customised training will also be made available towards the end of this year or early in 2015 in the Riverland and Port Pirie areas, details, locations and costs are still currently being negotiated. 

The training being offered is in customised Word and Excel and will consist of a total of 3½ hours, which will include a general knowledge of the key areas identified below in Word and Excel.  Classes will be limited to 12 attendees per session.  Costs have been kept to a minimum and are only $100.00 per person.  Participants will only need to attend one 3½ hour session.  Some sessions are being offered once in the morning (9am start) and again later that day (1pm start)and are identified below, the 19thand 26th August will only have one session.

The Training Room at 112 Kintore Street, Thebarton will be available for the following days:

9am start
AND 1pm start

  • Friday 22nd August
  • Monday 25th August
  • Friday 12th September
  • Tuesday 16th September
  • Thursday 18th September
  • Monday 29th September
  • Tuesday 30th September
 ONE SESSION per day only
1pm start
  • Tuesday 19th August
  • Tuesday 26th August



  • Screen and Ribbon Overview
  • Navigate around a workbook
  • Save files into a worksheet format
  • Formatting: Rows, Columns, Numbers and Fonts etc
  • Printing – including print area, page break, basic page setup (margins, print gridlines, headings on rows/columns)
  • Screen and Ribbon Overview
  • Mail Merge – using word and excel data files
  • How to Find help in Excel and Word

Staff wishing to attend the CESA customised Word and Excel training must register online via the CESA Registration Centre.  Staff experiencing difficulty registering, should contact Peter Hales on 8301 6121 in the first instance. 

Any questions in relation to details of the content of the current or future workshops being offered should be referred to Louise Provan on 8301 6853.  


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